Job & Career Accelerator: Resume & Cover Letter Building Tools - 2

It to my liking when I've done. That I'm going to go ahead and use. This book and then I'm brought to the resume builder page you'll notice here. That we have. Several fields of information I'm going to scroll down a little bit to show. You at the top well right here at the top of the the fields my name and email address. That I entered at registration is automatically populates populated here in my header. I can edit that by clicking that edit tool of course for resumes sometimes. You have a custom. You are on email address.

That you want to use you'll of course want to enter. More information so. This is where you'll edit. That section and then below. That you'll see the list of editable sections contained on our resume builder including the headlines or how it's a qualifications experience education skills and I'll scroll down to display the others we also have licenses and certifications honors and awards publications and presentations professional associations additional information endorsements and the add a section which is a totally customizable section. These are all the standard sections present in most resumes. We provide this template to you give patrons the option to select from. All of these fields. That apply to them so.

When you're ready to enter information in one section. You click the plus sign to add information for the edit sign. You want to edit. What you've already entered. You don't have to enter information in every section. They are all optional. This is really intended as a template for you to draw the fields. You need for your resume. That applied to you and only the sections. You complete will show up on your finished resume so for instance. I wanted to add a headline. I could go ahead and click the plus sign that's going to bring me to a page. I can edit that step-step section by typing my headline right here and you'll see. That I have the editing tools built right into. This section here. When I'm done. I can go ahead and click Save.

You also see. That I have helpful hints and a description of what a headline is so. If I'm not sure. What I should be writing here. I can go ahead and just review the definition. That it should catch the reader's attention by briefly stating your job goals and what you have to offer there are also additional hints here so I'll click. That plus sign under the helpful hints section and it talks. You in depth about what a headline is it provides. Some additional examples. That helpful hints as well as quash and things. That you should be aware of as. You write your headline okay so I'll go ahead and close. That helpful hints section. I have typed my headline here and I'll go ahead and click Save and as. That you'll see. Now in addition to having that header.

Now have a headline which I can edit again by clicking the Edit link so you'll move through the template here entering copy as. You need drawn on the helpful hints and definitions. Provided we also have a section up right above the template right now in that orange. That mustard-yellow section. It says we're currently building or editing all resonate but we do have. These other tabs sample resumes and keyword lists and I'm going to speak about. Both of them. Now let's starting with keyword lists here. You can click.

These lists to get or to browse rather an extensive list of words to help enhance your resume keywords provide useful word banks of commonly used resume vernacular including action words by skill type which reviewing now so. If you're interested in discussing for instance your organizational skills. You can come down to organizational skills click the plus sign and it will provide. Some common resume vernacular to help. You describe your organizational skills. You are interested in job specific keywords at industry you'll post. That radio button right next to the action words will click job specific keywords and then you'll navigate to your industry let's say. You are interested in engineering as a field and we can come down here to engineering and it will give. You several disciplines which you'll choose from so let's say we're interested in biomedical engineering I'll go ahead and open up.

That subsection and then we'll see. All the keywords. That relate to biomedical engineering that we can use to enhance our resume. Now keywords is a very popular feature experienced job seekers and industry professionals know that keywords are the foundation for resume scanning software and applicant tracking system so. You want to make sure. That your resumes and your your letters. Even your job applications. When applicable contain keywords. Because they will increase the likelihood. That your resume will or your application or your letter will get scanned by those systems and then ultimately in front of a hiring manager okay so I'm going to go over to the next tab which is sample resumes so you'll click. This sample resumes tab to view professionally written sample resumes.


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