Job & Career Accelerator: Resume & Cover Letter Building Tools - 5

It also gives. You lots of advice in between. That those two major steps in interviewing so. We can start the interview from the tutorial from the beginning with the start tutorial button or if. We come up to the left side of our screen. We can open up. This tutorial it's one unit long with four lessons the first lesson talks about great interviews so.

We open up that lesson. It shows you all of the topics we've got the five stages of an interview general guidelines. How to schedule. Whatever komal prompts usually. Most common types of interviews less. Than two let. Me quote less. One and open up lesson two talks about how to prepare for an interview with topics like the pre-interview research. How to practice. What to wear. What to bring what are the 25 top 25 mistakes to avoid for instance less. Than three is my favorite. Because it provides practice interview questions. We all know that for most people the most be part of the process the job search process.

That gives people the most anxiety is the interview and that's because of the questions. That you're asked so. This is a great resource. It provides the most commonly asked questions with advice on how to answer so we've got questions like so tell. Me about yourself. Where why do. You walk this job my favorite here is what has been your greatest failure and what could. You learn from. That experience we've. All been asked. This on in one form or another basically getting expensing and one of the things. I like about these interview questions is first. It explains why the interviewer is asking you the question. It helps to lay.

Some of that anxiety. It tells that nobody's perfect the employer is looking to see. How honest you will be and if you're willing to acknowledge your mistakes and even. More important. How you're able to learn from those mistakes so understanding why an interviewer is asking a question is halfway at getting to answering it properly so. I do love these questions and the way. This is formatted in addition to explaining the questions. It also provides space here for you to type your response and then compare your response to that of what we think is a great example so. If you're not sure. How to respond just click view response and we're looking at a nice sample response to this question so. It gives patrons practice with the whole interview process helping to give them more confidence and lay in fears or questions.

They may have about the process so. I do love this is a tutorial for that reason so that's the interview with confidence tutorial for lessons and the last lesson is lesson number four the job offer so hopefully patients are successful and they get to this section and this provides information about how to evaluate a job offer. How to accept or decline a job offer and negotiating tips so wonderful resources here let. Me click Save and finish later to exit let's see. We have any questions about that just see. Any question so here. Because I saved. That resource. It brings me to this page. This is my career dashboard and it shows. Me all of the work. I have saved to date on job and career accelerator. You subscribe to Learning Express library.

This is also located in your my Center so I'll show. That tutorial. It brought me right to my career dashboard and it shows. Me anything I'd say to date so. It brings me to the first thing my resume so. We can see that resume with the time stamp last modified ten minutes ago with the same options to email copy print download or delete. I can click the my letters to access. That cover letter. That I saved five minutes ago and then since. I did access our resource. We do have that resource. That tutorial under the tutorial section on the Select drop-down menu so. I click tutorials. That we have. That interview with confidence tutorial which is in progress. I haven't viewed. All of that resources and I can click the plus sign to get details.

It shows me the date and time of last accessed for that tutorial I've only viewed. One out of 41 pages of that tutorial and I can resume. It for the score report for any tests built into the tutorials so that's the my Center and as. You stays work. It brings you to this page. You wanted to ask them access my Center from the home page. I just clicked back home and I go under my name the name. That I created. That registration since. I am accessing a demo account my name is JC a trainer here and I can access the my Center right there to get back at those resources.

That I staged. I can also change my password under user setting then. I can log out here as well okay so that's back thumbs up the resource is available to you on job and for accelerators to get high higher specifically the resume builder and the cover letter builder and make interview with confidence tutorial but we do have a number of other resources available on job and for accelerator so and you do have time. I do encourage. You to spend. More time on this Center exploring all the other resources available to you we only access tools ticket cards.

That you can see. We have the career match assessments exploration for over 1100 different occupations job search and internship search a career library which houses. All of our career related ebooks as well as a college and scholarships finder tool so please spend. Some more time at job and career accelerator with respect to time otherwise thank you so much for your time and attention and for subscribing to job and career accelerator resources on Learning Express library as. You exit this session you'll be presented a quick evaluation.

If you've got a moment to complete. It I'd greatly appreciate. It as part of a global training team I'm always happy to get your feedback to make our sessions better and once again thank you so much for subscribing to Learning Express resources have a great day. Everybody bye-bye.


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