Job & Career Accelerator: Resume & Cover Letter Building Tools - 4

I want to show. You the letter builder and instead of going back to the landing page for JCA I'm going to actually circle letter builder right within. This page it's just a quick link over to the letter billables before. That let me quickly check chat see. We have any questions and if you've joined. Us as of late thank you for joining us we're walking through the tools to get hired or on job and career accelerator. We just finished up with the resume builder we're moving into the letter builder so let. Me quickly check check okay so no questions so I'll go ahead and click. That letter builder so our letter builder helps patrons craft effective letter for every stage of a job search process. We provide samples and tips from business experts just like.

We do with the resume builder and here you'll have. All the tools. You need to to ax translate your skills into a a compelling letter so just like the resume builder. This is the tool so you'll go through the little wizard here so. It first asks. What you like to do create a new letter or upload an existing letter to edit will create a new letter and I'll click start building my letter next it's going to ask. You to name your letter so we'll name. That letter and then. It all asks. You to select a letter type so it's not just for cover letters. We also have networking informational letters interviews follow-up letters interviews thank-you letters and jobs offer letters so.

You choose the one you're about that you want to write for and since cover letters are the most popular we'll just choose cover letter. You can describe your letter that's optional. You end up creating multiple letters. You may want to use a description to help. You just distinguish the letters. You create and next. It asks what you'd like to do do. You want to revise a letter from your save letters since. We don't have. Any we don't have. Any to revise but as. You move through. This platform and create multiple. You can revise and existing one instead of starting from scratch.

You can also create a letter using a sample or start from scratch we'll go ahead and create a letter using example just to show. How to sample are loaded so we'll click start building my letter next and that's going to bring you to another page. You are viewing your sample letters so it's going to take the questions. You asked earlier the letter type which I chose cover letter and because. I chose the mid-level job seeker it's going to automatically load a strong cover letter for this scenario so we're looking at this cover letter for Veronica Martinez which is a sample. That has been selected by our career career experts.

Once again it provides explanation of why this cover letter was chosen. It says why this is a strong letter. You can review why this is a strong letter for the scenario. You like the wording you can actually use. This entire sample by clicking new sample and that's going to drop. That entire letter into your template so we're looking at my letter template. Now and that entire cover letter has been dropped in for me to of course modified so of course. I want to take. All the custom copy here enter my name of course make.

This letter my own maybe there are. Some words and some language. I liked maybe it's the order in which Veronica introduces herself and moves through. This letter. That I like for whatever the reason is I'll use. This template modify. It I've got. All of my editing tools here and when I'm done I'll go ahead and click Save and just like with the resume. I have the letter with the top date and time stamp and options to email copy print download or delete so that's the letter builder let. We have any questions before. I move on to the last resource okay so no questions so let. Me go back to the landing page for driving for accelerator and move back to the tools to get hired section and access that's interviewing with confidence tutorial so.

We just cover the build your letter section. That build your resume section and last but certainly not least is the interview with confidence tutorial. This is one of my favorite resources in job and career accelerator so. I always like to showcase. This will click start tutorial and so. This brings. You to the interview with competence tutorial introduction and this tutorial teaches. How to maximize your success in job interviews from acing the initial phone call to class to accepting a job offer with with professionalism. 


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