Job & Career Accelerator: Resume & Cover Letter Building Tools - 1

Hello welcome and thank you for attending this training for a job and career accelerator my name is Shana Ashe would be Allah and I will be presenting you with. This training today. I can better be reached via email at s Ashford EBSCO comm. You have any questions after today's presentation just a few WebEx housekeeping issues before. We begin since. We have people joining from different locations I've automatically placed. You on mute to minimize. Any background noise. We are recording today's presentation so. You have a question to ask please feel free to type your questions or comments in the chat section located in the WebEx toolbar. If there is something special. That you want. Me to cover today please let. Me know via chat as well and I will be addressing any questions or comments entered as.

We move to the student presentation so. We do have an agenda today we've got about a half an hour I'm going to quickly show. How to access the tools to get hired on Java career accelerator including a resume builder the letter builder as well as the interview with confidence tutorial by the end of this session hopefully you'll be comfortable using the resume building wizard as well as the letter building wizard and accessing that tutorial so. You can bear with. Me I'm going to close out of this PowerPoint and jump right into the live site okay so. Now we're viewing the landing page for Learning Express library. Most of you have access to Learning Express library and job and career accelerator so. This is what your landing page would look like. You subscribe to the JavaScript celebrated resources exclusively. I am going to access a demonstration account. That only has javascript celebrator and the computer skills tutorials centers.

You subscribe to the Learning Express library full platform. You would actually have. More centers on your landing page but this is just a demonstration account to focus on those resources specific to jobbing for accelerator I'll click the definition about job and career accelerator I'm going to click open. That Center to display the categories of content for job and career accelerator. You can see those categories. Now displayed below the job and career accelerator Center and they're listed here the find a career match explore occupations search for jobs and internships tools to get hired career library and College finder with IMI's focusing specifically on the tools to get hired section and just a quick definition of job and career accelerator. We like to describe. It as the online scratch platform. That provides the most comprehensive collection of job and career related tools online. It integrates. Everything a user needs to prepare for and to conduct a successful job search here with Java career accelerator your patrons can explore over 1100 different occupation profiles using the explore occupations section here.

They can discover careers best suited for their skills and interests with the find a career match section. They can create professional cover letters and resumes and practice their interviewing skills with the tools to get hired section and that's the section we're going to focus on now so I'm going to go ahead and click in the tool to get hired section that's going to bring me to the landing page for tools to get hired and you'll see. All the resources. We have accessible here today we're only going to focus on the letter builder and the resume builder which are the first two resources. You see on your screen actually access those two we'll come back to this page to access the interview with confidence tutorial which I've just pointed to but let.

Me start with the resume builder I'm going to click the resume builder and I actually have not logged in so you'll see here. That below the resume builder title and description. It asks me to sign in or register to begin and for your patrons. They do need to have an account or create an account to access. Any of these tools so let's click sign in or register I'm going to sign in as a returning user by entering my username and password password and clicking the log in link. That will bring me to back to the toolkit hires section. Now launch that resume builder so. You see here under build your resume. It says launch so we'll go ahead and click launch to bring us to the resume building tool and it is an award-winning resume building tool.

We have earned poley Award for this resource so I'm going to get started on this first page for the resume builder and first. It asks you want to start building your resume. You have two options. You can create a new. One or upload an existing resume and then edit. It in the tool we're going to create a new. One so I'll go ahead and click start build a nice resume at the bottom it's going to bring me to this page. It asks me to set up a profile here I'll provide a name for my resume I'll select a job category for the category of employment. That I'm interested in and we've got. Several categories here to choose I'll go ahead and choose science technology engineering and math for my category I'll come down to the next section that's required which is selecting my job experience and I can choose from.

What is available in this drop-down menu I'm going to choose mid-level job seeker and then. I have options here to choose work situation. Whether I have a six month gap in work history transitioning from the military to civilian workforce or am. I looking to change careers. None of these apply I'll just go with the priests of precepts of none and then I'll click start building my resume on the next page you'll see. That I have up to four templates to format my resume and I can click on any of these thumbnails to show the format which will be displayed below so as. I click on each you'll see. How the format changes and if I'm interested in using one of these formats. I click use. This look if I'm not interested. I can skip this section and then format.


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